Ah, the joys of moving to a new city. So much information to gather. So much to coordinate. So little time.

Whether it’s your first move or your tenth, it’s an exciting time filled with hope and optimism for the future. And a long list of things to consider. Even the most diligent of planners can find themselves hung up on the details. 

It’s times like these when a local expert is your most valuable asset.

That’s why, at Sprinkman Real Estate + Design, we take tremendous pride in our relocation program. We have a team of local experts with vast historical knowledge and experience within our community. We’re fond of saying: “We live here, we know here,” because it’s the truth – our Realtors live and work in Madison and have…

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You don’t need to look far to find an article or post proclaiming the virtues of local neighborhoods. And in a way, that’s to be expected. After all, every city is a beautifully complicated patchwork – a rich tapestry of culture, personality, and variety. Madison is no different. In fact, we think the neighborhoods of Madison are some of the finest around. Our local streets bring their own unique personality, stamping this city as a vibrant, diverse, complex ecosystem. 

At Sprinkman Real Estate + Design we believe in the art of due diligence – of understanding the beating heart of these neighborhoods. Of capturing the subtle nuances of a community – from bike paths and tree lined streets, to parks,…

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A question we often ask ourselves: What does it mean to offer truly exceptional service? At any level, in any industry, what does that look like and what goes into it? If you think about some of your favorite brands and their approach to service, you start to see a common pattern.

These brands have carefully and thoughtfully crafted their approach to their customers. They’ve taken into consideration your wants and needs, and they have set forth with a plan to earn and retain your business. At the end of the day, that’s all any company is trying to do. Earn your business by demonstrating their value. 

Some companies position themselves via different hooks – they’re “fast” or “cheap” or “convenient” – this allows them to…

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In the heat of summer, who doesn’t love escaping the humidity by way of a lake retreat?

In Madison, we’re lucky to be surrounded by these natural beauties. Five of them to be precise. Not only do they represent an important part of our rich history, but they play a pivotal role in servicing our community. The Clean Lakes Alliance, an organization near and dear to our hearts, is committed to preserving and protecting our lakes so future generations can enjoy them as much as we do. From summer activities like boating, water skiing, kayaking, canoeing, and sailing – to winter fishing, cross country skiing, snowshoeing, and ice skating – our lives can often revolve around these earthly wonders.

So today…

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As real estate professionals we are called upon to keep up with community events. Seeking out the latest attractions, researching bars, restaurants and new businesses –  it’s a tough job, but someone has to do it. 

Here in Madison, we love the season changes. A defining characteristic across cities can be their offerings, or lack thereof, when it comes to summer entertainment. After all, who doesn’t love a variety of options in the warm, sun-soaked days between Memorial Day and Labor Day? That three-month period is widely regarded as the biggest opportunity to get outdoors with friends and family. Schools are out and so are the shorts and flip flops. It’s time for cold drinks and making memories with those we…

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It’s a tricky thing, selecting a real estate firm. Even in a smaller market like Madison, the veritable selection of brokerages to choose from can be downright dizzying. Trickier still, the notion that our chosen industry services what most would argue is the largest transaction of your life.  Bearing that in mind, we think there’s something to be said for a company that can articulate its “Why.”

Why does the company exist? What are its key priorities? Key services? Why should anyone care?

At Sprinkman Real Estate + Design, our “why” is ingrained in our commitment to an elevated level of service. For us, it’s about a higher standard; an aspiration for excellence. 

And so, we conduct ourselves accordingly – seeking…

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An interior view in the living room with nice view.
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